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The relationship between the menstrual cycle and the body | BY HEIDI



Some effects of the menstrual cycle can be unpleasant. Many factors can influence the length of a person’s period and how it affects their body.

This article will explore the various factors that can determine and affect the duration of the menstrual cycle.

A person can take some steps to modify their cycle and help it become more regular. However, it is usually a good idea to seek medical advice. Below, we describe when to see a doctor about irregular periods.

Period length

A person may experience mood swings before their period arrives.

The typical length of the menstrual cycle is 28 daysTrusted Source. Bleeding often lasts for 2–7 days.

Many factors influence the length of a person’s menstrual cycle, and some life events, including pregnancy and menopause, can pause or stop it.

During the first few yearsTrusted Source of puberty, the cycle is often irregular, but it tends to stabilize over time.

Various health issues, including those that affect the thyroid gland, can influence the menstrual cycle.

How can it affect the body?

Hormones in the body fluctuate throughout the cycle, and this can cause a range of physical and emotional changes.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a group of symptoms that often occur before a period.

PMS may involve:

feeling bloated

having tender breasts

experiencing mood swings

feeling irritable

having spotty or oily skin

losing interest in sex

PMS can affect other health conditions. For example:

Depression and anxiety: PMS can make depression and anxiety worse before or during a period.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): BeforeTrusted Source a period, symptoms of IBS, such as bloating and cramping, may be more noticeable.

Chronic fatigue syndrome: PMS can also exacerbate the symptoms of this syndrome.

Bladder pain syndrome: People with bladder pain syndrome may experience worseningTrusted Source PMS symptoms.

A person may find that PMS symptoms worsen in their late 30s and 40sTrusted Source, especially as they approach menopause.

What can affect the cycle?

The menstrual cycle can change over time — some become longer or lighter, for example.

These changes do not necessarily result from health issues. However, it is still a good idea to seek medical advice about any changes in periods.

Some factorsTrusted Source that can influence the length of the menstrual cycle include:

Birth control pills: Contraceptive pills can help control the regularity and flow of a person’s period.

Smoking: According to a 2014 review, smoking can alter the effects of the relevant hormones.

Stress: Stress can also affect these hormone levels.

Weight: People with obesity have a higher riskTrusted Source of irregular periods.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Irregular periods are a commonTrusted Source symptom of PCOS.

Endometriosis: Endometriosis can cause spotting or bleeding between periods, as well as heavyTrusted Source periods.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy pauses the cycle, though it can cause spotting that may resemble a period.

Menopause: The endTrusted Source of menstruation signals menopause.

How to track a period

People keep track of their periods for a variety of reasons. According to a 2017 studyTrusted Source, the main reasons for doing so include:

to keep an eye on how well the body is functioning

to better understand the body’s reactions

to be prepared for periods

to either avoid pregnancy or help with conception

to gather information for a healthcare professional

A person may decide to track their period using:

How to control periods

A range of tools and strategies can help regulate periods and, in some cases, ease PMS symptoms.

Home methods

To help reduceTrusted Source PMS symptoms — and possibly regulate their cycle — a person can:

Take time to relax.

Exercise regularly.

Maintain a healthful diet.

Get enough sleep.

Stop smoking.

Practice yoga and breathing exercises.

Medical methods

An irregular cycle is not always a sign of a medical condition. However, if periods are irregular, very light, or very heavy, speak with a doctor.

To help regulate their menstrual cycles, many people use birth control.

Although people typically take birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, 14%Trusted Source of people may take them for other reasons, such as to regulate their cycles or help reduceTrusted Source PMS symptoms.

When to see a doctor

Anyone who notices concerning trends or changes in their periods should see a doctor.

This is especially important for people who experience severe pain or a heavy flow, which is called menorrhagia.

If a person has menorrhagia, the doctor’s initial steps may be to determine whether the person is experiencing a pregnancy loss or a health problem, such as endometriosis.

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